TAURUS Pet Wisdom is an antiviral agent for cats and dogs. It will help improve health during the season of viral diseases and quickly cope with a cold if your pet gets sick.
The preparation contains plant extracts recognized worldwide as effective in strengthening the immune system. Pueraria (Kudzu) root extract contains isoflovanoids that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Licorice root extract is used to treat colds, it relieves inflammation and strengthens the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to viral diseases.
Chamomile extract has an antiseptic effect.
It is easy to give to pets in syrup form.
Ingredients: kudzu root extract, licorice root extract, chamomile extract, paraben, fructose, purified water, fish extract, beef extract.
Application: Drip the product directly onto the tongue of the animal or add to food several times a day.
Large dogs - 4-5 drops
Cats / small and medium dogs - 2-3 drops
Volume: 30 ml